Le Adaleen Stones™ sono fatte a mano e mai prodotti in serie usando un macchinario. Occorrono circa 3 anni per addestrare completamente uno specialista per creare le Adaleen Stones™ in quanto ogni fase richiede un’attenzione meticolosa per creare una pietra perfetta. Le fasi di lavoro seguite per le Adaleen Stones™, sono le stesse seguite nella produzione di gioielli pregiati. Con notevole cura e attenzione, i nostri tecnici e gioiellieri eseguono ogni passaggio al fine di ottenere le proporzioni ideali e creare le scintillanti Adaleen Stones™.


Confronto del Colore

Il colore delle Adaleen Stones™ è equivalente a D, E, F nella scala di colori del diamante GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Senza strumentazioni professionali, le Adaleen Stone™ non si possono distinguere a colpo d’occhio dal diamante.


Confronto del Taglio

Tutte le Pietre Adaleen™ hanno le tolleranze di taglio “ideali” raccomandate dal Gemological Institute of America (GIA).


Confronto della Chiarezza

Il livello di chiarezza delle Adaleen Stones™ è vicino a “Internally Flawless” ossia alla “Internamente Pura”. Seppur vi potrebbero essere delle piccole inclusioni nelle pietre più grandi, si avrà la necessità di una lente di ingrandimento per gioielliere per vederle.


Confronto della Durezza

Tutte le Adaleen Stones™ hanno una durata simile a quella del diamante nell’uso di tutti i giorni, sono quasi impossibili da graffiare e la durezza è di 8.0 sulla scala Mohs. D’altra parte, la durezza delle perle è di circa 2.5, della selenite è di circa 6.5, degli smeraldi è di circa 7.5 e dello zaffiro è di circa 9.0.

Quality Stones Made with Care

The shiny sparkle of a diamond is one-of-a-kind phenomenon. Its beauty has only a few things to be compared while many jewelers can hardly distinguish Adaleen Stones from diamonds due to the similarity in characteristics.

Adaleen Stones are lab made synthetic gemstones, which combine scientific crafting techniques complemented with excellent quality assurance standards. Our specialists select the rough materials of the highest quality. These materials are then cut and polished by hand in accordance with the ideal parameters defined by master stonecutters. As a result, Adaleen Stones have excellent quality and a lifetime guarantee against fading, going cloudy or discoloring with the passage of time.

Adaleen Stones are hand-crafted and never mass-produced by the machine. It takes about 3 years to fully train one specialist to create Adaleen Stones because each stage requires meticulous attention to create a perfect stone. The stages of work applied in Adaleen Stones are the same as applied in fine jewelry making. With great care and attention, our technicians and stonecutters perform each step to get the ideal proportions and create the sparkling Adaleen Stones.


Comparison of Color

The color of Adaleen Stones are equivalent to D, E, F in GIA diamond color scale. Without any professional equipment, Adaleen Stone™ cannot be visually differentiated from diamond.


Comparison of Cut

All Adaleen Stones have the “ideal” cutting tolerances recommended by Gemological Institute of America (GIA).


Comparison of Clarity

Adaleen Stones level of clarity is close to “Internally Flawless”. Although there can be tiny inclusions in larger stones, you will need a jeweler’s loupe to see them.


Comparison of Hardness

All Adaleen Stones™ have similar durability as diamond on daily use, almost impossible to scratch, and the hardness is 8.0 on the Mohs scale. On the other hand, the hardness of pearls is around 2.5, moonstone is around 6.5,  emeralds is around 7.5 and sapphire is around 9.0.

Quality Stone Made With Care

The shiny sparkle of a diamond is one-of-a-kind phenomenon. Its beauty has only a few things to be compared while many jewelers can hardly distinguish Adaleen Stones from diamonds due to the similarity in characteristics.

Our specialists select the rough materials of the highest quality. These materials are then cut and polished by hand in accordance with the ideal parameters defined by master stonecutters. As a result, Adaleen Stones have excellent quality and a lifetime guarantee against fading, going cloudy or discoloring with the passage of time.

Adaleen Stones are hand-crafted and never mass-produced by the machine. It takes about 3 years to fully train one specialist to create Adaleen Stones because each stage requires meticulous attention to create a perfect stone. The stages of work applied in Adaleen Stones are the same as applied in fine jewelry making. With great care and attention, our technicians and stonecutters perform each step to get the ideal proportions and create the sparkling Adaleen Stones.


Comparison of Color

The color of Adaleen Stones are equivalent to D, E, F in GIA diamond color scale. Without any professional equipment, Adaleen Stone™ cannot be visually differentiated from diamond.


Comparison of Cut

All Adaleen Stones have the “ideal” cutting tolerances recommended by Gemological Institute of America (GIA).


Comparison of Clarity

Adaleen Stones level of clarity is close to “Internally Flawless”. Although there can be tiny inclusions in larger stones, you will need a jeweler’s loupe to see them.


Comparison of Hardness

All Adaleen Stones™ have similar durability as diamond on daily use, almost impossible to scratch, and the hardness is 8.0 on the Mohs scale. On the other hand, the hardness of pearls is around 2.5, moonstone is around 6.5,  emeralds is around 7.5 and sapphire is around 9.0.

Stile del Taglio della Pietra

Colore della Pietra